There is no additional cost to use Sprout as commission is received from the asset managers, similar to an advertising agency receiving media commission. So what you would pay direct will be the same through Sprout across Shopping Centres and Rail. For outdoor venues we add a 10% (or $250.00) management fee to cover venue selection, application management and payment so you can concentrate on the execution.
Sprout manages campaigns nationally in all metro markets and regional locations.
Sprout works with all venues with experience across shopping centres, outdoor environments, rail stations, Universities, Airports, Office Towers and events.
We explore the brief and make venue recommendations including pricing. Generally we can turn around pricing within 24 hours unless there are unusual elements or locations and will advise approximate timings. We will also conduct availability checks once the campaign timing is confirmed.
We work on a partnership basis and will make recommendations and pricing for pitches confidentially on the basis that if the campaign is won that we will continue to book the campaign.
Sprout require payment ideally prior to the first booking or in the week of the commencement of the campaign.
Sprout can provide a briefing template which acts as a reminder for key considerations affecting recommendations and costings saving a bit of time on toing and froing.
It is a legal responsibility for organisation executing activity to complete though we are very familiar with terminology and can guide on requirements.
We are familiar with requirements for food permits and will advise how to obtain.